Myra - Lost Lake Loop


20 min from Downtown Kelowna
4530-4710 Stewart Rd E, Kelowna, BC V1W 4C1

Spectacular city and pond views, with numerous wild flowers in the spring.

Bursting with great views, this particular route features a stop at Rose Lookout just before Teddy Bear Junction, and then up to Lost Lake for a cliffside view of the pond. Returning along the north-east side of the park, there will be no backtracking on this journey!

  • Half-Day
  • Average
  • Loop
  • 11.00 km round-trip
  • 3 hr 10 min solo
  • 4 hr 27 min group
  • 504 m gain
  • Variable Width
Kids & Pets
  • On-Leash
  • Child-Friendly


4530-4710 Stewart Rd E, Kelowna, BC V1W 4C1

Driving Time

From Downtown Kelowna, approximate travel time by car is 20 min.

Notable GPS Co-ordinates

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If you need assistance, please contact us
  • Starting Elevation: 532 meters
  • Ending Elevation: 532 meters
  • Maximum Elevation: 871 meters
  • Minimum Elevation: 531 meters
  • Elevation Gain: 504 meters
  • Elevation Loss: -504 meters
  • Slope Up: 8.00%
  • Slope Down: -9.00%

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GPS Notes
We have often color-coded our GPX tracks. While it is not always the case, we have tried to use the following convention on our newer maps:

Green/Blue: human-verified by our volunteers.
Purple: overgrown trail, bushwhack, or on private property.
Red: default color or not reality-checked
Yellow: Road
Other Colors: May have been satellite traced or imported from third party sources.

While we strongly believe our GPS are accurate, please be aware that no logging system is perfect and to be aware of potential errors. Use at your own risk.
  • Jasmin Tamang

    Hello, how do I join this hike? I am interested but I do not have a decent car to drive that road. Can I please hop in in car pool?
    Jasmin tamang

    Sunday, April 9, 2023 at 12:49 PM

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