Monashees: Spectrum Lake


55 min from Frank's General Store in Cherryville, BC
50.503950, -118.360535
The Spectrum Lake trail meanders through the foothills of Mt. Fosthall, and offers a vast diversity of coast-like flora. Rich green moss coats the entire valley floor, you will cross numerous creeks, and finally wind up at a fantastic well-furnished campsite right on the lake with views of the entire mountain range.
  • Half-Day
  • Average
  • Loop
  • 13.30 km round-trip
  • 3 hr 1 min solo
  • 4 hr 15 min group
  • 983 m gain
Kids & Pets
  • Not Permitted
  • Child-Friendly
  • Has a Waterfall


50.503950, -118.360535

Driving Time

From Frank's General Store in Cherryville, BC, approximate travel time by car is 55 min.

Notable GPS Co-ordinates

Detailed Directions

If you're a speed demon, you can easily make the trip from Frank's General Store to the trailhead in 45 minutes. The road is suitable for cars without 4x4 and is in great shape.

1) Drive to Vernon, BC from downtown Kelowna.
2) Take RIGHT on Highway 6 and then bear right to stay on Highway 6.
3) Around the 50 km marker since the turn in Vernon, turn LEFT at Frank's General Store in Cherryville onto "Sugar Lake Rd"
5) At 13.6 km, the road becomes gravel.
6) At 16.6 km, cross the bridge over Sugar Lake. The road now becomes "Shuswap FSR"
7) At 38.2 km TURN RIGHT with signs for Monashee Provincial Park via "Spectrum Creek FSR"
8) At 39.4 km, keep right to stay on main rd (following signs)
9) At 42.3 km, keep right. Alternatively, a short 1 km drive + 10 min hike to Rainbow Falls is on your left.
10) At 43.5 km, keep left to stay on main rd (following signs)
11) At 44 km, keep left to stay on main rd (following signs)
12) At 45.6 km, keep left to stay on main rd (following signs)
13) At 51.7 km, arrive at the parking lot with map and signage for Monashees Provincial Park.

Google Directions

Use our written directions in preference to the Google directions below as they are likely more accurate.

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If you need assistance, please contact us
  • Starting Elevation: 978 meters
  • Ending Elevation: 980 meters
  • Maximum Elevation: 1142 meters
  • Minimum Elevation: 861 meters
  • Elevation Gain: 983 meters
  • Elevation Loss: -983 meters
  • Slope Up: 11.00%
  • Slope Down: -12.00%

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GPS Notes
We have often color-coded our GPX tracks. While it is not always the case, we have tried to use the following convention on our newer maps:

Green/Blue: human-verified by our volunteers.
Purple: overgrown trail, bushwhack, or on private property.
Red: default color or not reality-checked
Yellow: Road
Other Colors: May have been satellite traced or imported from third party sources.

While we strongly believe our GPS are accurate, please be aware that no logging system is perfect and to be aware of potential errors. Use at your own risk.
  • Ian Croucher

    This is a great walk to a pristine lake. The drive on the dirts road is a little longer at the moment due to loose rocks caused by a lot of log truck activity.

    Tuesday, July 17, 2018 at 9:09 AM

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